USMLE score and Residency Chances estimators present for the USMLE & Residency Aspirants a unique table that you will not find neither on the net nor in any book. Now you can correlate all your scores together in one chart including NBME, KAPLAN QBank & USMLE WORLD UWorld QBank correlated to the REAL USMLE Step 1, 2 and 3 Performance in 2 digit and 3 digit scores.

Helpful Resources

1- For ECFMG Certification: ECFMG

2- For Applying to Residency: ERAS and NRMP

3- For USMLE Books: Best Material

4- PS Guidelines: Personal Statements

5- For Program selection, interview questions and LOR samples: Match A Doc

6- For Residency and Fellowships Textbooks: Recommended Books